Future Leaders of Conservation


当安娜·施密特(Anna Schmidt)走过罗加尔斯基中心(Rogalski Center)的一个回收站时,看到里面装满了垃圾,她笑了.

当克里斯蒂娜·谢尔曼(Kristina Shelman)走过一个食品捐款箱时,看到里面装满了食物,她也笑了.

他们对环境和可持续发展的工作和热情, 以及他们教育每一个人的动力,让他们知道改变世界是多么容易, is sparking change across campus, as well as in the broader community. For these leadership efforts, they are being honored.

Shelman, a senior Biology student, and Schmidt, a junior Nursing 学生们被评为“四方城市未来的保护领袖”." They will receive the Oberholtzer Award and a $1,在2月11日的招待会上,纳汉特·马什教育中心为每位学生提供了5000美元的奖学金. 29.

该奖项旨在表彰为了解和保护自然世界做出重大贡献的保护领袖. 它是以达文波特本地人欧内斯特·卡尔·“奥伯”·奥伯霍尔策的名字命名的, who was a founding member of the Wilderness Society.

Shelman is president and Schmidt is vice president of GreenLife是一个致力于提高环保意识、教育和可持续发展的学生社团. 在沉寂了几年之后,谢尔曼、施密特和其他人在2018年秋季帮助该俱乐部重新启动.

According to Assistant Professor of Biology Dennis Tarasi, PhD, 谢尔曼和施密特提高了校园环境意识和倡导的标准,并在建立一个以保护和可持续发展为重点的新校园形象方面发挥了重要作用.

“他们是四方城市环境领导的有力例子. 他们是优秀的领导者,非常值得获奖," said Tarasi, 她和生物系系主任兼教授艾米·布莱尔共同担任俱乐部的顾问, PhD. She and Tarasi nominated Shelman and Schmidt for the award.

Photo of Kristina Shelman and Anna Schmidt

Future Leaders of Conservation

SAU学生Kristina Shelman和Anna Schmidt将获得Oberholtzer奖, and a $1,000 scholarship, from the Nahant Marsh Education Center.

谢尔曼之所以参与“绿色生活”,是因为她想减少校园里的总体浪费,并在大学场地上种植爱荷华州的原生植物. 她说:“我最大的目标是提高人们对可持续发展方式及其重要性的认识。.

First as a member, then as president, 谢尔曼领导了减少食物浪费的努力,在食堂开展了一场宣传活动,并在每个宿舍协调学期末的食物募捐活动. 学生们被要求捐赠他们不想带回家的不易腐烂的物品. Last academic year, GreenLife collected and donated more than 1,200 pounds of food to the Riverbend Food Bank.

GreenLife is selling reusable glass straws, holds campus litter cleanups each semester, 去年,他与其他校园团体合作,在校园里组装并安装了一个蝙蝠箱. 会员们正在努力给校园回收箱贴上标签,标明哪些可以回收,哪些不能回收.

Last year, 在电影公开放映后,俱乐部组织并主持了一场关于气候变化的圆桌讨论 Paris to Pittsburgh. 120多名galaxy银河娱乐场app成员、地方领导人和环境专业人士出席了会议. 塔拉西说,galaxy银河娱乐场app是环境问题上的新兴领袖.

“有很多很好的讨论,它搅动了锅, 让我们思考其他我们可以做但还没有做的事情. As for the campus of St. 总的来说,我们应该用我们的集体声音来激发变革,”施密特说.

Last year, Schmidt initiated "Green Girls,她现在和朋友们住在一个以环保为主题的校园房子里. 他们每周去一次“捡垃圾”(慢跑时捡垃圾),以提高人们的意识,并激发其他学生参与进来, too. 施密特还帮助领导了校园第一个传粉者花园的设计和种植.

Under the leadership of Shelman, SAU has resurrected a campus-wide Sustainability Committee, consisting of students, university leadership, faculty and staff across departments, and they met for the first time in early February.


两位女士都认为,绿色生活正在提高校园里的环保意识, but so much more could be done.

“我希望人们能意识到小小的改变确实会带来不同. It is easy to think I am only one person, and this is only one plastic bottle, how will that make a difference? 但是,如果我们都开始做一些小的改变来变得更可持续,它会累积起来,导致更大的变化. It starts with the individual," Shelman said.

"And, when you tell people about the changes you are making," Schmidt said, "using your voice to educate those around you, you'll make a difference as well."


Senior Kristina Shelman


"As a future healthcare worker, 我看到气候变化是如何改变人们的生活和生计的. It is impacting the environment and the health of others. 我觉得这是一种召唤,我想让这些人过得更好,”施密特说.

Shelman has a deep respect for the environment. "I love to admire the beauty of creation. 上帝给了我们一个星球,让它变得美丽,我们的工作就是保护和照顾它. 我的信仰越坚定,我就越明白它的必要性. And, in the past four years, 我对地球的重要性和价值有了更多的见解和看法,如果我们不照顾好它,我们的未来会变成什么样子," she said.

“克里斯汀娜和安娜体现了我们作为顾问对校园环境领袖的期望," Tarasi said. "They are organized, dedicated, 并且了解实现他们和绿色生活目标的最佳策略."

绿色生活向所有对提高环保意识和倡导感兴趣的学生开放. Meetings are held every other Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Christ the King Chapel Gathering Space. For more information, email beegreen@avaikipearl.net.


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